School Supplies
2024-25 School Year
- 1 standard size pencil box
- 1 box thick crayola markers (10 count)
- 6 boxes crayola crayons (24 count each)
- 16 black fine tip expo markers
- 12 glue sticks
- 1 package standard index cards
- 1 box quart size Ziploc bags (boys)
- 1 package sticky notes (girls)
- 1 container of clorox wipes(or any store brand)
- 3 box of kleenex
- 1 primary composition notebook (space on top to draw pictures, lines on bottom, can be found at WalMart, Office Depot, Amazon, or Lakeshore in the preschool section.)
- 36 pencils Ticonderoga brand (sharpened)
- 1 pair Fiskar scissors
- 1 plastic 3 prong 2 pocket folder plain color
- 1 pair of over the ear headphones (no earbuds), labeled in a gallon size ziploc bag (Recommended brands are: Gorsun Headphones, Nabevi Headphones) Dollar store and 5 below tend to break very easily, we suggest purchasing more than 1 pair, we use these everyday.
- 1 full size backpack (big enough to fit a pocket folder)
First Grade
Please label with your child’s name
- 1 blue plastic pocket folder without prongs
- 2 plastic folders without prongs (red, yellow)
- 3 packs Crayola Crayons (24 count)
- 1 pair of scissors
- 2 plastic supply boxes (5”x8”x2 ½ “)
- 1 set of personal headphones (no earbuds, or buttons on the cord)
- 2 primary composition notebooks (space on top to draw pictures, lines on bottom, can be found at WalMart, Office Depot, Lakeshore in the preschool section.)
- School Planner (this will be purchased during Express Check-In)
These items do not need to be labeled
- 1 box Crayola broad classic color markers
- 16 glue sticks
- 30 #2 yellow pencils sharpened - Ticonderoga, Dixon, or Paper Mate Mirado only please (most other pencils don’t sharpen well)
- 4 pack of black thin Expo dry erase markers
- 4 boxes kleenex
- 2 containers Clorox wipes
Second Grade
Please label with student name
- 4 plastic (flexible and sturdy) pocket folders with prongs in the following colors:
- Red
- Green
- Purple
- Blue
- 4 Composition notebooks, wide ruled, non plastic covered, non-primary
- 1 Composition notebook, primary blank on top, lines on the bottom
- 1 set of personal headphones
- 1 box of 24 crayons
- 1 box of 12 colored pencils
- 1 box of 12 washable markers
- 1 supply box for personal supplies
- Small pencil sharpener
- 1 black Sharpie
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 big pink eraser
- 2 yellow highlighters
- School Planner - This can be purchased during Express Check In. (This item is already in your child’s cubby.)
The following are community items—please do not label
- 48 #2 Wood Pencils (sharpened)
- 4 pack of thin black Expo dry erase markers
- 3 boxes of tissues
- 1 pack of 6 glue sticks
- Girls
- 3 individual pads of sticky notes - non-accordion style
- Boys
- 1 container of Clorox Wipes
Third Grade
Personal Items (please label with student name)
- 3 plastic pocket folders with brads: 1 red, 1 green, 1 blue
- 1 one inch (1”) clear view binder
- 1 wide-ruled composition notebook (no spiral)
- 1 pencil box or pencil pouch
- 1 box 24 crayons 1 box colored pencils
- 1 box of markers (fine tip markers are preferred)
- 1 pair of pointed scissors
- 1 clipboard
- 5 pack of dividers
- 1 set of sturdy headphones (no earbuds please)
- School Planner-This can be purchased during Express Check In
Community Items (please do not label)
- 1 yellow highlighter 36 sharpened pencils (Ticonderoga brand)
- 4 glue sticks
- 2-4 thin dry erase markers-low odor-BLACK
- 1 package of plastic sleeves/sheet protectors (25 count)
- 1 package of Wet Wipes (baby wipes)
- 1 pump bottle of hand sanitizer
- 3 boxes of Kleenex (facial tissues)
- 1 Clorax disinfecting wipes
*Note: please do not send in a personal pencil sharpener.*
Fourth Grade
- 5 2-pocket sturdy folders (each a different color: plastic or heavily-coated recommended)
- 5 spiral notebooks (each a different color: plain cover, single subject, 70 page, 8 ½” x 11” No larger than this as they fit in our storage bins and book boxes)
- 1 pair of sturdy headphones (Please no characters or toy-like headphones.)
- 1 plastic pencil box (no larger than 8.4 by 5.5 by 2.4 inches; transparent preferred)
- School Planner (this can be purchased during Express Check-In)
Label with the student name
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 24 pack of Classic Crayola Crayons
- 1 set 10 Classic Colors Fine Crayola markers
- 1 set Crayola 12 pack colored pencils
Do not label as they will be collected for community use
- 2 glue sticks
- 2 highlighters - different colors
- 24 pack of good-old fashioned wooden pencils pencils - already sharpened, please.
- 3 Boxes of tissue
- I pack of wide ruled notebook paper (100 -200 sheets/pack)*
- Copy paper - one ream
- Disinfecting Wipes
- Baby Wipes
Fifth Grade
- Plain, 3-Hole pencil pouch that will fit into 3-ring binder (similar to this)
- Headphones OR earbuds
- 4 Single Subject 70-page Spiral Notebooks
- One 2-pocket folder
- Crayola Classic Colored Pencils (not more than 12)
- 1 Skinny Yellow Highlighter
- 1 Skinny Green Highlighter
- 1 Skinny Pink Highlighter
- 4 Glue Sticks Small, Handheld Pencil Sharpener Pencils of Student’s Choice (mechanical or regular; there will be no community supply of pencils)
- 1 Package of Loose-Leaf Notebook Paper
- 3 Boxes of Kleenex
- 1 Container of Disinfecting Wipes
- 4-pack of Wide Dry Erase Markers
- Student Planner - can be purchased during Express Check-In
- 3-Ring Binder - can be purchased during Express Check-In